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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

What is Your 2012 Resolution?

My Resolutions

A lot of people have been forgotten to set their new year RESOLUTION... Perhaps life has becoming more  and more stressful; and many forgotten about it...Or there is no need to set any resolution for new year since everyday has been a challenge; that every new resolution set is hard to achieve? or..setting resolution to welcoming new year has becoming an old fashion game?  It is likely a facebook-twitter era...nobody even care to have one?

Well..I honestly never have any resolution too until the year 2011..I figured out that I need one to discipline myself since I am too busy with work and almost forgotten about myself and people around me. I found out that it does help me and I believe I had my resolutions achieved despite facing obstacles in daily life...who doesn't right?

My Happiness
My 2011 Resolution is to gain pure happiness...I am definite I found the true meaning of happiness..and I now know exactly what I want  in years to come.  I really thanked God for showing me the true meaning of it because I know there are so many people out there who do not understand what it is until now and they are still searching for it; but I truly hope they will find them soon. 

Hey..I have added a new bangle music note tattoo on my hand..counting my blessings.. I've decided to tattoo one verse of Laura Story's song "Blessings" on my hand..I love the lyrics.. check it on youtube..It is a great song to listen to. Mind empowerment I suppose...

Time flies really fast....I felt like just yesterday...In few more days, we will see 2012.  How do you actually feel about it?  Frankly, I am quite nervous.  No one know what will happen in the future.  I hope 2012 will be a good year to everyone.

My Confessions
My cute Aunty AhMook..
This year itself there were 3 people whom I knew passed away..

Firstly, my grandpa; who died of old age-92 years  old... I was informed by my uncle that before he left he was singing Hainanese songs..We are all glad that he left happily without regrets......He will be missed....He is a good father and grandpa....

In November 2011, my aunt AhMook, passed away due to lung cancer and she left us suddenly.  I figured out later that her lung dis-functional after her 6th chemotherapy sessions.  She fainted and that's it..It was really a shocking news to all of us because when she was diagnosed with lung cancer, it was just 5 months ago..All of us could not take it well.. My mum especially was hysterical about it...cried and sad because our aunt use to tell her weeks ago before she passed away that she wanted to fight the disease and get well soon so that she can travel with my mum...It kept running in our head that she left us too soon...She was always the happy nuts in the family..laughing and joking loudly...Now..we hear her no more..I truly hope she will rest in peace.  And because of this incident, my inner heart and conscience was awaken.  Her death shook me up..  I began to realize something and that my 2012 resolutions will definitely have something to do with this.

Later in December, a friend's brother died due to heart attack...I felt really numb...I started to believe life is really short and there is no time to be wasted on arguements, hatred, sadness, and all negative vibes in life...All I can say is life the fullest!!!

My 2012 Resolutions.

Ever since my aunt passed away, I have already set my resolutions...

I would like to live everyday like there will be no tomorrow. I want live every minute and second the fullest...I want to appreciate everyone as much as I can.  I want to spend more time with my  husband  and daughter (I know mummy has been really busy with work and spend very less time with you..) and my family (mum, dad, sister and brother and nephew) and family in law...I know with this resolution set firm, I can do it...

Hairdressing has been the heartbeat of my life and in 2012 I want to keep on improving my skills and ensure that I can give quality hair services to my clients so that they will look good at all the time... Gosh..there are so much to learn out there...

And I want to start the habit of jogging 30 minutes before go to work to keep myself fit...well I do feel easily get tired nowadays..I better change my lifestyle before my engine started to rust...haha...

Featuring Exciting Resolutions from some of the successful Malaysians...Take a look....

Winnie Loo
Chief Creative Director at A CUT ABOVE GROUP OF SALONS

My 2012 Resolution
Do I need another new year resolution? It crosses my mind every year end to ponder upon this thought.  I have promised myself some years back that I won't be bother to even make them as making is easy but fulfilling is tough.  But for the request from Jac my faithful friend and she claims my no 1 fan, I will pen some of my thoughts and hopefully I get more committed abiding by it while putting this into perspective.

Honestly, I have lots of wants and dos for the coming year.  I need to get back to some serious exercise to keep myself fit, but will I make time?  I want to sleep before mid-night to stay beautiful for as long as I can but there are so much of updates on my social medias like Facebook, Twitter, endless articles to write that I am contributing and am I going to forgo this little addiction that I have??

Another must do is to spend more time to complete reading my Bible, which I am still faithfully but slowly but I am certain I will get there eventually. As I have mentioned time and again it is also about our personal convictions and  I am glad I have overtimes made myself available for God's house which I have never failed to go on Sundays.  I promised that I will continue in my walk with God to stay faithful and I openly declare in this New Year message that I love "Him" so much for "His" awesome blessings on me and my household.  I will try my best to bring back more lost sheeps to God's house through my work and contact.

I have nothing much to ask for in terms of work and fame at my age, all I needed is good health and I will keep working at it by eating right if I cannot get to the gym so that I can keep the doctor away.  Planning a good charity that will involved what I do best in my field and giving back to the less fortunate.. I am only successful if I know how to bless those in need and I will do my best to help.

More travelling will be in store for me to see the world especially with destinations I have always wanted to visit like Tibet, Silkroad, Jordan whichever comes along while I can walk, climb and run if so needed.  Promised that this one thing that will find its way into my busy schedules.

Finally, I will ensure 2012 winds up I have at least achieve bringing Asia Hairdesigners Festival into Malaysia by latest 2013, or 2014 as this is the platform I am hoping for more Malaysian hairdressers to shine in the industry.  My only way to promote the trade in here as being the co-founder of the Asia Hairdresser Association which is China based.

I like to wish each and everyone reading this, a great start to a new beginning and maybe a new life for some.  A lovely year ahead and live life and try somehow to be the salt and light of the city wherever you are and leave behind some footprints that many may marvel somedays..  And to end this off, I found a lovely message that I wanted to share from T S Elliot's biography, "For the last year's words belong to last year's language and next year's words await another voice.  And to make an end is to make a beginning." Whatever resolution or decision you maybe  making most importantly they must be anchored on what makes us happy, hopeful and reflect back the past with gratitude. Have a blessed year ahead.

Billy Lim
President of Malaysia Hairdressers Association

2012 I want to set a very close and tight relationship with all Malaysia top hairdressers, together to improve and transform our hairdressing profession.  This is accords to my philosophy of  "The most gain is everybody's gains" especially hairdressing professional may one day our cooperation to be our nation pride. In order to achieve that, I will learn to improve my communication skill and psychology knowledge.

Miau Lim Ching Miau

2012 我希望的演艺事业可以冲出海外,当然有更好的作品可以呈现给大家看,收入也是一个很关键的,希望可以不要再为生计烦恼,很多人看到我们艺人好像钱人酱,其实马来西亚艺人很可悲的,不过没办法谁叫自己那么爱演离不开这行。。。。 我更希望2012政府有关部门可以特别关照关心我们马来西亚艺人的生存问题,黄金时段留给自己人,不要再播放什么韩国,日本,台湾,香港片,更希望收费电台更加应该为本地娱乐圈作出贡献,不要只买外国节目和戏剧。。。。 这是非常不道德的。。。。 更更更希望电视台们,电台们可以放开心胸,马来西亚华人艺人已经在一个非常特别的国家生存了,你们不要再搞什么你是哪台,他是哪台的。。。 歌手需要电台播放他的新歌,我们演员需要演出的平台,幕后工作者也是需要。。。 不要再玩针对了。。。 为这样我们不久造就别的有机可乘??? 论如何我希望的是皆大欢喜。。。。 这里我恭祝马来西亚演艺圈的朋友们都有更美好的一天!!! 祝大家大红大紫

(Translate with Google Translate: sorry ar, I also not read chinese haha....) 
I hope 2012 can out career overseas, of course, works better for everyone to see can be presented, income is also a very critical, hoping not to worry for a living, many people like to see our artists 'rich' sauce, a very sad fact, Malaysia artist, but no way ittold its own 'love play' can not do without this line. . . . I hope 2012 can take special care of the government departments concerned with the survival of our Malaysianartists, prime-time left to their own people, what not to play South Korea, Japan,Taiwan, Hong Kong films, but also want more pay stations should contribute to localentertainment do not just buy foreign programming and drama. . . . This is veryimmoral. . . . They also hope more television and radio can open hearts, the Malaysian Chinese artist has been living a very special country, and you do not thendo what you what station, which station he is. . . Singer needs his radio song, weneed to show the actor platform, behind the scenes is required. . . Stop playing for a. .. Because we will soon create another 'people' can take advantage of? ? ? In any case I hope is happy. . . . Here, I wish the entertainment of friends in Malaysia have a better day! ! ! I wish you all hit it big!)

Aziz M. Osman
Actor and Director 

2012..New year, new life partner, new baby, new movie, new company, new staff, new attitude, new me..and round figure number for my birthday..:)

Amber Chia
Supermodel and Founder of Amber Chia Academy

I find it important for everyone, regardless of gender, to practice determining resolutions every year and work towards achieving them. Only then you will have a sense of direction in life.

I founded Amber Chia Academy and it was officially launched at Jaya One, Petaling Jaya, in August 2010. My resolution this year is to grow my business and establish at least three more academies. With two branches already operating in Malacca and Penang, I will successfully fulfill that resolution with the opening of another academy in Times Square, Kuala Lumpur by the end of this year.

My resolution is to further expand my academies and have another three more by the end of 2012. These annual resolutions I make are in line to achieve my long-term goal of establishing at least ten academies within these three years.

Sereni and Shentel
Founders of Sereni & Shentel headbands (

Our 2012 New Years Resolution is to crown more heads with headbands!!

Wong Yu Jin
Nutritionist and established wellness coach (
As a nutritionist and wellness coach, I meet a lot of people who want to be healthy but don’t know how to start. It pains me when I see people getting the wrong ideas and concept about getting in shape. They are doing so many things that are not only ineffective over the long term, but may also harm themselves. Hence, it is my goal to change this mindset among the larger community. My resolution for 2012 is to help as many people as possible to get on the right journey to optimum health. In 2011, I trained more than 1000 people including the 19 finalists of the Miss Universe. For 2012, I want to triple the figure and inspire more people  to take charge of their health!

Fatiha Sharif
Executive Director for Asturi Metal Builders Sdn Bhd

"Generally in life I want to improve, learn new things and help others.
I don't have resolutions. I have expectations. 2012, I'm gonna bite bullets."

Datin Maylene Yong
Homemaker, Philanthropist Of The Year 2009, Mrs Malaysia Community Ambassador 2010/2012

My new year resolution is to make this world a better place to live in and; of course I pray for world peace and harmony.  Here, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all friends and readers a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous 2012!  Be happy and stay healthy always...

Bye bye 2012.. Hello 2013

After sharing some thoughts on having resolutions, I hope you all have some ideas in mind to welcome 2012; which is just around the corner...I have made mind..I hope you do too and let us see together what will happen at the end of 2012...You will be surprise...

Time passed really fast and in a blink of eyes; you would not believe what you have gone through this year itself.  When you are sitting alone privately, browse through your head and you will be amazed on how strong you are and how tough you have been.  Give yourself a round of applause.

Yeeehhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.......Happy New Year 2012!  See you guys next year....


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